Saturday 28 July 2012

Whiten Your Teeth For The Best Smile Possible

Stained and yellow teeth are not something that anyone wants to have. Can you safely whiten your teeth without harming your teeth or gums? Many sources would say yes, but what works for one smile may not work for another. The tips in this article will show you how to get whiter teeth in the safest manner possible.

It's suggested that whitening your teeth should be done prior to getting wire braces. Doing this ensures that when the braces come off, your teeth will appear both whiter and straighter. You'll be very pleased with your teeth because they will not only be straighter, but they will be whiter as well.

Placing Vaseline over your teeth will help your teeth shine, and this tip is used by many contestants in beauty pageants. While the taste will not be entirely pleasant, the barrier created by the Vaseline will protect your teeth.

It makes sense to consult with a dentist if you are unhappy with the coloration of your teeth. Increased confidence is worth the cost of a teeth whitening system.

Teeth whitening products can make your teeth more sensitive. While this is painful, it is only a short term issue. If you experience any pain, discontinue using the product until you consult with your dentist. If it is just normal sensitivity issues your dentist can probably recommend something that will not cause you pain.

If you have teeth with gray discoloration, this is usually caused by something different than the typical food and beverage stains that color teeth brown or yellow, and the gray discoloration is not removable with teeth whiteners. Teeth with severe stains may require multiple treatments to obtain the wanted results.

Don't drink large amounts of soft drinks. The artificial colors used in some drinks of this type can stain your teeth. Ingredients in soft drinks like acid will damage your tooth enamel. Enamel helps protect your teeth. As enamel erodes stains are more likely to form. Additionally, consuming vast quantities of soft drinks will make it harder for you to whiten your teeth.

Consult your orthodontist or dentist before choosing to whiten your teeth using any methods. If you plan on having any type of major dental work done to your teeth then plan out whitening your teeth after the process is done with.

Professional whitening services are the most reliable and a productive way to whiten your teeth in the long run. After just a couple of dentist visits, you will have a beautiful, bright white smile. Dentists can use teeth whitening techniques that would be too dangerous for laypeople to use at home.

Use an orange peel's inner side to get rid of stains and make your teeth whiter. You can also make a paste by mixing dried orange peels with ground bay leaves and make a paste to brush on your teeth. Always thoroughly rinse your mouth after you use the paste, so that fruit sugar can be removed.

Toothpastes that claim to whiten your teeth are no more effective than ordinary toothpaste. It's not really the best idea to waste money on products that won't make much of a difference. This is just a waste of money.

After undergoing a whitening treatment, you can prolong the results by drinking through straws. Drinks such as grape juice and colas have a lot of color pigments that can stain your teeth. Using a straw keeps these liquids from hitting your front teeth, which keeps them white and stain-free.

Read the directions thoroughly and ensure you understand them before using any home tooth whitening products. It can lead to problems that will really damage your teeth. Use teeth whitening products exactly as directed by the manufacturer.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

As previously mentioned, the desire to have whiter teeth is shared by many. There are plenty of things you can do in order to prevent stains and have whiter teeth. If you follow the steps provided in this article, you can have white teeth and keep them white.

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