Sunday 29 July 2012

Brighter, Whiter Smiles With These Teeth Whitening Tips

Not only are white teeth attractive, but show signs of healthiness as well. Everyone wants to always look and feel their best! You will find key tips and tactics to help whiten your beautiful teeth. It is time for you to take action.

It is a common myth that lemon or lime juice can whiten your teeth. It is a good idea to avoid them entirely. They can have an opposite effect than desired, wearing down enamel and creating even more discoloration and even cavities.

Make a powder by grinding and mixing dried bay leaves and dried orange peels. Brush with this powder and a bit of water to help naturally brighten your teeth. This mixture not only whitens teeth without the use of chemicals, if used regularly it may also prevent some of the more common dental issues.

Walnut tree bark can be used for whitening. The bark will both clean and whiten your teeth when rubbed against them. Once you're done using this bark, immediately rinse out your mouth and then brush your teeth.

Strawberries can be used to naturally whiten teeth. Reports show that strawberries can produce whiter teeth. Either move the whole strawberry along your teeth or grind it into paste in use a toothbrush to apply it. The strawberry mash or juice should be left on for no more than five minutes; rinse it off afterwards and brush your teeth normally.

Chewing on herbs is a great way to get a white smile. You should try parsley and cilantro. These herbs naturally eliminate bacteria and germs. Of course, nothing replaces everyday brushing.

Whiten stained or discolored teeth with strawberry paste. You want to have fresh strawberries, and then crush them to form a paste that you can rub onto your teeth. Your teeth will be left white by using this natural remedy. Using this teeth whitening strategy will help you work towards a naturally bright white smile.

A great way to whiten your teeth is with teeth whitening pens. You should take care when using a tooth whitening pen as the gel is a form of bleach. Make sure not to overuse this product, and apply it very carefully.

If you use a whitening gel that is applied with a tray, it is important to ensure that the tray is sized correctly for your teeth. Badly-fitted trays can spread the whitening chemicals to your gums where they can cause inflammation and irritation. Quit using the item if this happens to you, but also do some research to see if the size you used was the right one.

Depending on the severity of your stained teeth and how quickly you want the job done, you might want to consider a dentist to help whiten your teeth. It is a costlier solution but, you will obtain excellent results in a fraction of the time.

You should keep an eye on any sensitivity or irritation after using over-the-counter whitening products. If you experience these symptoms after whitening, then look for an alternative treatment that uses less peroxide. The side effects will quickly subside once you stop using the product.

While taking care of your teeth whitening from the comfort of home may seem a good idea, do be mindful that there are some possible negative side effects. These include teeth sensitivity and irritated gums, so be mindful that you follow the instructions. If you experience any of these bad side effects, immediately talk to your dentist. You must understand that professional whitening methods may have to be your answer at times.

An electric toothbrush is an excellent investment if you are trying to whiten your teeth. These contraptions can remove the stains from your teeth. In addition, they can get rid of yellowness on your teeth, even if it's deeply embedded.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

Most people wish they had a bright white smile. Many people don't even try to whiten their teeth because they think it won't happen. By following the information in the above article, you will have bright, white teeth sooner than you think.

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