Sunday 29 July 2012

Brighter, Whiter Smiles With These Teeth Whitening Tips

Has anyone ever said "Wow, what an amazing smile? They may have said this with an almost reverent tone of voice. A bright and confident smile can make for a stunning first impression. The following information should help you learn how to get the smile you really want.

It is a common myth that lemon or lime juice can whiten your teeth. It is a good idea to avoid them entirely. They can have an opposite effect than desired, wearing down enamel and creating even more discoloration and even cavities.

A dental professional can obtain higher quality results than when you use over the counter products. Having a dentist do it will be a little more expensive, but the whitening will be much faster.

Walnut tree bark can be used for whitening. The bark will both clean and whiten your teeth when rubbed against them. Once you're done using this bark, immediately rinse out your mouth and then brush your teeth.

Don't smoke. Besides the serious health risks you surely know about, smoking makes your teeth less attractive, too. Most smokers have yellow teeth. If you smoke, and want to keep your teeth white, the task is difficult. If you must smoke, you should cut back for your health and the appearance of your teeth.

Remembering to brush your teeth following every meal is especially important after you have completed your teeth whitening program. Every time you eat something, it can cause bacteria growth on your teeth. Bacteria can soften your teeth, which can make them more prone to damage and deterioration.

Talk to your dentist if you have questions about whitening products. There are a vast majority of teeth whitening procedures available for purchase. Oftentimes, these products can be expensive and even damaging so it's important that you chose the right one. Your dentist can help you to avoid hassle. He will be able to give you the direction you need to find the right product.

Chewing cilantro and parsley can actually help your teeth become whiter. The herbs contain materials that will fight the discoloring bacteria from forming in your mouth. But this is not a substitute for toothpaste.

To keep your teeth from becoming discolored, brush your teeth immediately after every meal. Some foods and beverages will stain your teeth, so promptly brushing is essential to preventing stains from setting. Coffee has especially strong staining properties, so it's definitely important you clean your teeth after drinking a cup.

One great way to whiten your teeth is through the use of teeth whitening pens. This type of gel acts much like bleach, so take great care when using. Don't overuse teeth whitening gels. In addition, pay attention to what you're doing so that your teeth all end up the same shade of white.

Selecting the appropriate color of lipstick will ensure your teeth look more white and bright. Discolored teeth look worse when paired with severe red lip color. Pink or natural nude shades are the most optimum for a smile that is off-white or yellow.

After undergoing a whitening treatment, you can prolong the results by drinking through straws. Drinks such as grape juice and colas have a lot of color pigments that can stain your teeth. Using a straw keeps these liquids from hitting your front teeth, which keeps them white and stain-free.

If you want a whiter smile, you should talk to your dentist before using any type of product. Whitening your teeth can affect more than just the color of your smile. Not regularly visiting your dentist can result in damaging your smile and mouth in the future. If you have a whitening plan, run it by your dentist first. This will ensure the safety of your plan.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

As previously mentioned, the desire to have whiter teeth is shared by many. There are plenty of things you can do in order to prevent stains and have whiter teeth. If you follow the steps provided in this article, you can have white teeth and keep them white.

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