Saturday 7 July 2012

How To Whiten Your Teeth With Ease

Everybody wants white teeth. There are many different things you can do and steps you can take to prevent your teeth from yellowing. It is also possible to restore your teeth to a brighter state. The article below not only offers the advice required to whiten enamel, but keep it there as well.

Fresh lemons can be used to help you get the perfect white teeth you've always wanted. A fresh lemon peel can be rubbed on your teeth each day, in order to gain a natural pearly white smile. This is a quick, easy and economical way to whiten your teeth. Lemon peels are a natural teeth whitener.

While brushing your teeth each time you eat should be part of your daily routine, this becomes even more important after you have had your teeth whitened. Food particles can cause the growth of bacteria on your teeth. This bacteria can be responsible for problems with your teeth, such as cavities and gum disease.

Eat an apple to help you get whiter teeth. Apples are very abrasive, and they help deep clean your teeth without damaging your enamel.

Dark beverages and cigarettes stain your teeth. Each one of these things can stain your teeth. If you decide that you absolutely must have your daily coffee intake, try to brush your teeth as soon as you can after consuming the coffee. The leading causes of ugly, discolored teeth are strongly colored beverages and tobacco.

When you drink, be sure to use a straw. When you drink certain liquids it can cause tooth discoloration; using a straw can inhibit the stains from getting on your teeth. Minimize the contact of your teeth with these beverages for a whiter smile.

Don't use any over-the-counter teeth whitening products before consulting with your dentist. Your dentist can inform you about which products are the most effective and if any of them have negative side effects.

Avoid mouthwash in order to have whiter teeth. The alcohol and other chemicals in mouthwash have been proven to cause brown or yellow stains by removing the enamel that keeps your teeth white. Talk to your dentist about whether your teeth can withstand the damage that mouthwash causes.

Cut down or completely stop drinking coffee to get whiter looking teeth. While many people do not like to hear this, coffee is quite instrumental in causing yellowing of teeth. Consistently drinking this beverage causes even more discoloration of the teeth. Consider hot chocolate as a replacement for your coffee.

Avoid things like cigarettes, coffee and red wine as these stain your teeth. Chemicals in these items bond to your teeth making it difficult to keep your teeth stain-free. If you are not able to go without any of these products, always make sure you brush your teeth after you use them. Also, you can now find portable mini brushes that you may use instead of a real toothbrush. The abrasive quality of the finger brushes is what makes sure your teeth are clean.

You should know that most home remedies come with side effects like increased sensitivity or swollen and bleeding gums. If you experience negative side effects, then speak to your dentist before continuing treatment. You may need to consider alternative whitening methods.

Dentist visits are essential to getting whiter teeth. Frequent cleanings by a professional will help keep your smile white. Having regular dental cleanings at least twice each year is important.

For an effective way to get your teeth whiter at home, try baking soda and water. Baking soda is mildly abrasive, polishing off stains and leaving teeth whiter and extremely clean. Wet your toothbrush, then dip it in baking soda and immediately apply to your teeth, brushing like you normally would.

There is a lack of evidence suggesting that they are more helpful than regular toothpastes. Talk to your dentist to find out which brand he or she would recommend.

Don't use toothpaste that has fluoride in it. This is known to be a chemical ion and is sometimes found in soil, food and water. When people are exposed to a lot of it, they may have discolored teeth. Choose a toothpaste free of fluoride to naturally whiten your smile.

With this article's advice, putting together an effective whitening plan will be a snap. It doesn't matter if you're a smoker, a coffee-lover, or just someone who wants white, sparkly, movie star teeth. Use the information you've learned here to return your smile to the brightest, whitest condition it's ever been in!

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