Sunday 22 July 2012

Have Teeth Like A Movie Star With These Simple Tips

Not only are white teeth attractive, but show signs of healthiness as well. Everyone wants to always look and feel their best! You will find key tips and tactics to help whiten your beautiful teeth. It is time for you to take action.

Put strawberry juice on a toothbrush and brush as normal to whiten your teeth. The acid causes the tooth enamel to soften, allowing you to easily remove stains. Using this method, you can get a dazzling smile without spending a lot of money.

To make sure your smile stays white while drinking any stain causing beverages, drink water immediately after. Drinking water following dark drinks, like coffee and tea, can help prevent the pigments from staining your teeth. Other tricks include using a straw to drink or adding whole milk to your coffee or tea.

Use a mixture of lemon juice and salt to form a paste which you should brush your teeth with. Avoid using this mixture if your find that your teeth are too sensitive to salt.

Teeth whitening products can make your teeth more sensitive. While this is painful, it is only a short term issue. If you experience any pain, discontinue using the product until you consult with your dentist. If it is just normal sensitivity issues your dentist can probably recommend something that will not cause you pain.

Make a powder out of dried orange peels mixed with dried bay leaves. Mix this powder into a paste by using some water. Brush your teeth using this paste. Besides helping to whiten teeth, this mixture can also inhibit the spread of gum disease and the formation of cavities.

These products will do little more than regular toothpaste for whitening your teeth. It is wise to consult your dentist before using any teeth whitening toothpaste, for he or she will be able to guide you towards the best choice, to get the maximum results you desire.

A great way to whiten your teeth is with teeth whitening pens. You should take care when using a tooth whitening pen as the gel is a form of bleach. Make sure not to overuse this product, and apply it very carefully.

When deciding whether or not to have your teeth whitened, consider whether or not you have crowns or other dental work. Natural surfaces are affected to a much greater degree by the whitening process than are synthetic surfaces. Whitening products are intended to improve whiteness on the porous surfaces of teeth only. They will not whiten crowns, caps, implants, veneers or dental fillings. If you whiten your teeth despite having these artificial surfaces in place, the artificial surfaces will remain the same color while your natural teeth are lightened.

Depending on the severity of your stained teeth and how quickly you want the job done, you might want to consider a dentist to help whiten your teeth. It is a costlier solution but, you will obtain excellent results in a fraction of the time.

Avoid coffee and tea to prevent stains. These beverages can cause your teeth to become stained.

Avoid smoking cigars and cigarettes. Both of these tobacco products will cause your teeth to get discolored. Try to quit smoking to avoid and prevent your teeth from turning yellow. If quitting smoking is proving difficult, contact you doctor and they may be able to prescribe medications or help you with methods on how to stop smoking. You will need to get the right kind of advice and support.

Read the directions thoroughly and ensure you understand them before using any home tooth whitening products. It can lead to problems that will really damage your teeth. Use teeth whitening products exactly as directed by the manufacturer.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

As previously mentioned, the desire to have whiter teeth is shared by many. There are plenty of things you can do in order to prevent stains and have whiter teeth. If you follow the steps provided in this article, you can have white teeth and keep them white.

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