Tuesday 31 July 2012

Smile Brighter With These Teeth Whitening Tips

Not only are white teeth attractive, but show signs of healthiness as well. Everyone wants to always look and feel their best! You will find key tips and tactics to help whiten your beautiful teeth. It is time for you to take action.

It's suggested that whitening your teeth should be done prior to getting wire braces. Doing this ensures that when the braces come off, your teeth will appear both whiter and straighter. You'll be very pleased with your teeth because they will not only be straighter, but they will be whiter as well.

Try using a strawberry paste that you can easily make yourself. Strawberries can also whiten your teeth. Make the paste by mixing 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup water, and three strawberries.

These products will do little more than regular toothpaste for whitening your teeth. You should consult your dentist to see if they recommend a specific brand that may work better than others.

Both, lemons and oranges, are great for Vitamin C, but also work well with whitening your smile. Use a lemon or orange peel to rub surface stains off of your teeth. A pinch of salt can be added for enhanced results.

Eat lots of fruits and veggies in their raw form. Processed and fast foods can create cavities and discolor your teeth. Don't eat these if you want to keep your smile bright. You should also avoid snacking too much if you want your teeth to be white.

Maintaining white teeth is difficult unless you get your semi-annual dental cleanings. Dentist office cleanings are typically scheduled for twice a year. Always remember to set up a new appointment while at the dentist so you don't forget later. Ask the office to contact you about a week before your appointment.

Try not to drink as many soft drinks. The color of soft drinks can cause tooth stains. In addition to the dyes, there are other ingredients in soda which damage the surface of the teeth. As a result, stains will adhere to dental surfaces more easily. Drinking soda too much can make your teeth harder to whiten.

Coffee and tea are not good for your teeth. Each of these beverages will cause your teeth to become discolored. If you have a cup of coffee, rinse your mouth with water immediately after you finish. This will mitigate, but not eliminate, the staining effect these beverages have on your teeth.

Another method that produces great results in whitening your teeth is by mixing rock salt with water. Simply mix about one cup water with approximately one teaspoon rock salt. Let it sit and dissolve for about five minutes. Gargle this mixture, rather than your usual mouthwash, and you will notice a big difference. This rock salt concoction is also effective against cavities.

Toothpastes that claim to whiten your teeth are no more effective than ordinary toothpaste. It's not really the best idea to waste money on products that won't make much of a difference. This is just a waste of money.

When you are trying to whiten your teeth, you should quit smoking. The nicotine and smoke that comes off of the burning cigarette can leave you with discolored teeth.

Brushing and flossing regularly can help you get white teeth. These simple things will remove the plaque that builds up on your teeth and discolors it. Make it a habit to brush and then floss after each meal.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

As you know, there are many different opinions about the best way to whiten your teeth. It is hoped that after reading this article that you will feel more confident implementing some of the ideas presented for whitening teeth. If you implement this knowledge you can start your tooth whitening program safely.


  1. Every person desire that they have white and shining teeth. To make teeth bright and white nice tips are mention in this post. Thanks for sharing.

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  2. Superb tips !! I like your writing style . You are writing the best tips to Good smile and looking personality good.

    Behnam Aghabeigi
