Sunday 29 July 2012

Smile Brighter With These Teeth Whitening Tips

You will have a happier life if you feel confident about smiling. If you radiate positive happiness and a positive outlook, you are sure to get the same in return. Yet, if your teeth are not as white as you want, you can be afraid to smile openly. Read this article to learn how to turn your smile into the one you have always dreamed of.

Make sure the toothbrush you use is the right one. Talk to your dentist, and learn what type of toothbrush you should be using.

Make a powder by grinding and mixing dried bay leaves and dried orange peels. Brush with this powder and a bit of water to help naturally brighten your teeth. This mixture not only whitens teeth without the use of chemicals, if used regularly it may also prevent some of the more common dental issues.

Floss between your teeth every day. Flossing helps eliminate plaque, which can stain your teeth. Begin carrying dental floss with you when you leave home, so that you can floss your teeth after eating a meal. The most important time to floss is before bed, because food particles and bacteria will otherwise sit in your teeth all night long, causing plaque and possible cavities.

You can give the appearance of whiter teeth simply by selecting the right makeup for you lips. Consider a blue-based lipstick or lip gloss. For example, red and berry colors with a blue tint can help give the appearance of teeth that are whiter. Matte lipsticks can cause your teeth to look dingy.

Use a natural remedy to whiten your teeth, like apple cider vinegar. Not only does it kill bacteria, it has well-known cleansing and stain-removing effects on your teeth. It's best to establish a routine of swishing apple cider in your mouth every morning prior to brushing your teeth.

Pregnant women must not use teeth whitening products at all. These products may contain chemicals that are dangerous to the health of your baby. Some whitening toothpastes can be safe to use, but check with your physician before using any of these products.

You must follow the directions on home whitening products to the letter. You will only end up with an irritated mouth and inflamed gums. Even worse, you could do permanent damage to your teeth. You should only use whitening products like the directions say.

A good fit between your teeth and your tray is vital if you're employing a tray-based whitening product. Trays that have not been fitted correctly around the teeth can cause chemical irritation to occur on the gums. Research effective whitening products before investing your money.

Try using a whitening toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste may not work as well, but it will prevent new stains from happening. These products contain a silica abrasive that will not damage the enamel.

A banana peel is an age-old tool for whitening your teeth. This process is very simple and inexpensive, so you can implement it into your daily routine. Once you've peeled the banana, run the peel over your teeth just before you brush them. Then brush your teeth as you do any other day. Do this to make teeth look whiter right away.

When you are trying to whiten your teeth, you should quit smoking. The nicotine and smoke that comes off of the burning cigarette can leave you with discolored teeth.

Read the directions thoroughly and ensure you understand them before using any home tooth whitening products. It can lead to problems that will really damage your teeth. Use teeth whitening products exactly as directed by the manufacturer.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

As you know, there are many different opinions about the best way to whiten your teeth. It is hoped that after reading this article that you will feel more confident implementing some of the ideas presented for whitening teeth. If you implement this knowledge you can start your tooth whitening program safely.

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