Sunday 15 July 2012

Advice To Give You a Brighter Smile

White teeth are considered to be both beautiful and a sign of good health. Most people want to look and feel the best they can. The tips in this article will help you to whiten your teeth. Explore your options and enjoy your whiter, brighter smile.

A banana peel is an age-old tool for whitening your teeth. Many people have seen incredible results with this method. Use the banana peel to scrub your teeth before you brush. You can brush your teeth as you usually would immediately afterward. Do this to make teeth look whiter right away.

Make a paste containing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and use it to brush teeth. You can whiten your teeth, and avoid exposing teeth to abrasive chemicals, by simply brushing with this solution. Do not swallow the mixture, though. If you happen to ingest some, simply drink a few glasses of water.

Always thoroughly brush and floss at least twice daily. The key is to keep plaque from accumulating, as it tends to create a discolored appearance. Rather than allowing plaque to sit on your teeth all night, brush and floss before bedtime.

When the need is dire, you should turn to professionals to handle that noticeable damage. A few dental visits will easily make your teeth whiter. Dentists have access to teeth whitening methods that are not available to the general public over the counter.

Let your dentist help design the best teeth whitening routine for you. It's possible that a thorough and routine cleaning will provide the whiter teeth you are looking for. Even if this is not the case, you should mention to your dentist that you are considering over the counter whiteners. He will know what to look for and can ascertain whether this is a good option for you. Take care of any dental issues you many have before you begin a whitening procedure, including problems with gums or cavities.

Although extremely effective, bleaching can be damaging to the tooth enamel and should only be done occasionally. This can also cause your teeth to become sensitive, and stain more easily.

After you whiten your teeth, be cautious about eating dark foods and drinking dark beverages. Teeth that have been recently whitened absorb stains and colors more readily. Don't eat anything darkly colored for a while. This is especially true for tea, coffee and ketchup, which will easily be absorbed by your teeth and ruin the whitening you had done.

Many people thing that lemon and lime just are great ways to get whiter teeth, though this is not accurate. Actually, the exact opposite is true, and you should steer clear of them all together to keep your teeth healthy. The citric acid can corrode your enamel and stain your teeth -- and even lead to cavity development.

You can get some laser whitening done at your dentist office. Laser treatment is the fastest procedure available for teeth whitening. Bleaching agent will be painted onto the teeth, then a laser light activates it. The whiteness of your teeth is instantly improved by five or six shades.

Do not continue whitening your teeth at home if you experience discomfort in your teeth. Sensitivity can be increased when using products for whitening, and could also result in inflammation. If this happens, stop using this technique and ask your dentist about an alternative solution.

If you're pregnant, you should never use any type of teeth whitening products. Some of these teeth whitening products have ingredients that could harm the fetus. Some whitening toothpastes can be safe to use, but check with your physician before using any of these products.

Try a mixture of lemon juice and salt to create a toothpaste that you can use just like any store brand. If you have teeth that are sensitive to salt, avoid this mixture.

There is a lack of evidence suggesting that they are more helpful than regular toothpastes. Talk to your dentist to find out which brand he or she would recommend.

Don't use toothpaste that has fluoride in it. This is known to be a chemical ion and is sometimes found in soil, food and water. When people are exposed to a lot of it, they may have discolored teeth. Choose a toothpaste free of fluoride to naturally whiten your smile.

With this article's advice, putting together an effective whitening plan will be a snap. It doesn't matter if you're a smoker, a coffee-lover, or just someone who wants white, sparkly, movie star teeth. Use the information you've learned here to return your smile to the brightest, whitest condition it's ever been in!

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