Sunday 29 July 2012

Ways To Help You Get The Brightest Smile

Stained and yellow teeth are not something that anyone wants to have. Can you safely whiten your teeth without harming your teeth or gums? Many sources would say yes, but what works for one smile may not work for another. The tips in this article will show you how to get whiter teeth in the safest manner possible.

Consult with your dentist when considering the use of whitening products. There are a lot of products on the market that can be used to whiten teeth. You may not know which ones are the most effective, which is important because some of them are pricey and you don't want to waste your money. If you want to avoid the hassle that comes with teeth whitening, you should consult your dentist. They should be able to lead you in the right direction.

To make sure your smile stays white while drinking any stain causing beverages, drink water immediately after. Drinking water following dark drinks, like coffee and tea, can help prevent the pigments from staining your teeth. Other tricks include using a straw to drink or adding whole milk to your coffee or tea.

If you want immediate white teeth, your dentist can help. Whitening your teeth is not always an easy cosmetic process. Without talking to a dentist, you could harm your oral structures down the road. Make sure to talk with a dentist about any measures you are taking to whiten your teeth.

Mouthwash is great at fighting germs, but if you're trying to whiten your teeth, it may be working against you by causing stains and discoloration. The best bet for mouthwash users is to pick a mouthwash that doesn't use bright coloring, and pick a weaker brand.

But, overdoing it with a teeth whitening product can be harmful rather than beneficial. If the product that you use has a strong whitening agent, you can even cause permanent damage to your teeth. You will end up with teeth that are ruined beyond repair instead of nice and white. Closely follow the instructions of the teeth whitening product at all times.

Maintaining white teeth is difficult unless you get your semi-annual dental cleanings. Dentist office cleanings are typically scheduled for twice a year. Always remember to set up a new appointment while at the dentist so you don't forget later. Ask the office to contact you about a week before your appointment.

It's best to cut down on the number of sodas you have or glasses of wine you drink. You can discolor your teeth if you drink too much soda, so steer clear! If you must drink soda, brush your teeth as soon as you can to get rid of any discoloration that might have set in.

After whitening your teeth, apply Vaseline to remind you to keep smiling. It tastes awful, but it will prevent stains from getting on your teeth for a little while.

Try using a whitening toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste may not work as well, but it will prevent new stains from happening. These products contain a silica abrasive that will not damage the enamel.

When you whiten you teeth, keep in mind that dental crowns cannot be whitened. If you use a whitening product on a mix of natural teeth and crowns, the natural teeth will become whiter, but the crowns will remain the same color.

Mouthwash can do more harm than good, and you should cut it out. If you are using mouthwash regularly but are still battling stains, you may consider discontinuing use. Most mouthwashes contain chemicals and coloring. Some of these substances may actually discolor or stain your teeth.

Brushing and flossing regularly can help you get white teeth. These simple things will remove the plaque that builds up on your teeth and discolors it. Make it a habit to brush and then floss after each meal.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

Use the above advice to make safe and confident teeth whitening choices. By following these tips, you can have a whiter smile in no time. Feel better about yourself and smile more often using these tips.

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