Wednesday 11 July 2012

Get Whiter Teeth By Following This Advice

Many methods of whitening your teeth are on the market. Some of these tactics work, whereas others are complete scams. Avoid any products that increase sensitivity, irritate gums or cause any type of burning sensation in the mouth. Some home remedies aren't as effective as they could be and have side effects you might not know about. For some great advice on teeth whitening, read the following article.

Fresh lemons can be used to help you get the perfect white teeth you've always wanted. A fresh lemon peel can be rubbed on your teeth each day, in order to gain a natural pearly white smile. This is a quick, easy and economical way to whiten your teeth. Lemon peels are a natural teeth whitener.

While you are using a teeth whitening product, if you feel your teeth getting sensitive, stop the treatment immediately. Whatever you are doing could be causing more harm than good, so it's best to talk to a professional dentist before beginning again. Head to your dentist and ask him to help you determine the option which is best for you.

Use baking soda to brush your teeth. Baking soda whitens your teeth naturally. Brush with this remedy gently, as it could irritate your gums.

Teeth whitening will work only on the natural surface of your teeth. Whitening products are intended to improve whiteness on the porous surfaces of teeth only. If you have fillings, implants or crowns, the results might be uneven. If you have such dental work and you decide to go through a whitening regimen anyway, they will remain the same color as your natural teeth get whiter.

If you want a nice, white, beautiful smile, brush your teeth regularly. Stains and discoloration on your teeth are caused by the build-up of food and other particles. If you take good care of your teeth and brush regularly, you shouldn't have to concern yourself with teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening toothpaste is really not much different from regular toothpaste. Avoid falling for expensive products that do little to whiten and brighten your tooth enamel. You will simply be tossing money out that does not give you a benefit.

It is unsafe to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide. There are various issues associated with doing this. You could end up with multiple shades of teeth, they could be more discolored than when you began, and it's incredibly unsafe. Avoid solutions that incorporate hydrogen peroxide into their formula.

Drinking through a straw can minimize tooth staining from beverages. The straw minimizes the amount of time liquids have contact with your teeth. It makes the liquid go straight down towards your throat, bypassing your teeth.

It's a good idea to eat a slice of cheese after each meal to build-up the existing enamel upon your teeth. Research has proven that the cheese's calcium gives your teeth enamel a chance to rebuild. Enamel is the exterior of your teeth and it needs to be strong for healthy teeth; eat cheese a few times per week to supplement your calcium and help your teeth stay white.

Don't wait to brush your teeth after a meal; do it right away. This will avoid discoloration. A lot of the foods and drinks we consume can stain your teeth, but by brushing immediately after a meal, you can stop stains from setting in. This definitely holds true for coffee, which is notorious for staining teeth.

Go to the dentist if you think there are any issues with your mouth before you begin your whitening regimen. You should take extra care when you are whitening your teeth. Your dentist can help you whiten the teeth and tell you if you should.

For an effective way to get your teeth whiter at home, try baking soda and water. Baking soda is mildly abrasive, polishing off stains and leaving teeth whiter and extremely clean. Wet your toothbrush, then dip it in baking soda and immediately apply to your teeth, brushing like you normally would.

Don't whiten your teeth if you have unfilled cavities or untreated gum disease. You could actually worsen these conditions. Always ask your dentist or a professional first before getting involved with whitening your teeth.

Don't use toothpaste that has fluoride in it. This is known to be a chemical ion and is sometimes found in soil, food and water. When people are exposed to a lot of it, they may have discolored teeth. Choose a toothpaste free of fluoride to naturally whiten your smile.

When you whiten your teeth you will notice and improvement in your confidence and self esteem. People can't help but notice your teeth when you smile. Maintaining a sparkling white smile is important to looking great. Experiment with various techniques until you find what works for you and then run with it!

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