Thursday 26 July 2012

Brighter, Whiter Smiles With These Teeth Whitening Tips

Not only are white teeth attractive, but show signs of healthiness as well. Everyone wants to always look and feel their best! You will find key tips and tactics to help whiten your beautiful teeth. It is time for you to take action.

There are a lot of teeth whitening strips out there that don't cost a lot of money. You can put strips on your teeth and leave them on so that they make them whiter. White strips are not as popular as they once were, however they can still be a useful tool in your arsenal.

To make sure your smile stays white while drinking any stain causing beverages, drink water immediately after. Drinking water following dark drinks, like coffee and tea, can help prevent the pigments from staining your teeth. Other tricks include using a straw to drink or adding whole milk to your coffee or tea.

These products will do little more than regular toothpaste for whitening your teeth. You should consult your dentist to see if they recommend a specific brand that may work better than others.

Simple table salt and lemon juice can help whiten teeth naturally. You can keep this mixture in a covered jar in the fridge for future use.

Make a powder out of dried orange peels mixed with dried bay leaves. Mix this powder into a paste by using some water. Brush your teeth using this paste. Besides helping to whiten teeth, this mixture can also inhibit the spread of gum disease and the formation of cavities.

Talk to your dentist if you have questions about whitening products. There are a vast majority of teeth whitening procedures available for purchase. Oftentimes, these products can be expensive and even damaging so it's important that you chose the right one. Your dentist can help you to avoid hassle. He will be able to give you the direction you need to find the right product.

Try to use whitening strips that only need to be applied for about 30 minutes. While it is necessary to apply the strips two times a day for 30 minutes over a period of two weeks, they are not as likely to cause gum sensitivity.

Baking soda, when combined with peroxide, forms a quality toothpaste that reduces bacteria and eliminates stains. Brush like you normally would for between five and ten minutes. Do not brush too hard or you could damage your gums.

You can make your own whitening paste with water and baking soda. Baking soda is a very mild abrasive that works to polish away stains, leaving your teeth bright white and ultra clean. You can mix the paste right on your toothbrush by dipping your wet toothbrush into the baking soda.

A banana peel is an age-old tool for whitening your teeth. This process is very simple and inexpensive, so you can implement it into your daily routine. Once you've peeled the banana, run the peel over your teeth just before you brush them. Then brush your teeth as you do any other day. Do this to make teeth look whiter right away.

Dark food can cause staining and should be avoided where possible. Blueberries or raspberries are among the most staining fruits. Beverages, such as coffee, tea, and colas, can also stain your teeth. This is a good way to prevent the problem in the first place.

An electric toothbrush is an excellent investment if you are trying to whiten your teeth. These contraptions can remove the stains from your teeth. In addition, they can get rid of yellowness on your teeth, even if it's deeply embedded.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

Teeth whitening is a simple, relatively cheap way to improve the quality of your life. Whiter teeth not only makes you much more attractive; it helps you to be more confident in society. If you do not feel bad about yourself, you will enjoy going out more and discover new activities you enjoy. Implement the advice in these tips in order to get the best results without investing too much money and time.

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