Thursday 12 July 2012

Great Tips To Help Make Your Smile Whiter And Brighter

Lots of products can discolor your teeth, leaving you yearning for a whiter smile. You can start fighting this process thanks to a few secrets. You can get a brighter smile in a few weeks only, thanks to this article.

Fresh lemons can be used to help you get the perfect white teeth you've always wanted. A fresh lemon peel can be rubbed on your teeth each day, in order to gain a natural pearly white smile. This is a quick, easy and economical way to whiten your teeth. Lemon peels are a natural teeth whitener.

One of the simplest ways to keep your smile bright and white is to make standing appointments for regular cleaning with your dentist. A professional cleaning will remove built up tarter, as well as any stains that naturally build up over time. This makes your teeth stronger and reduces your risk of developing cavities or gum disease.

Consume more dairy products. Dairy products like cheese or milk have the essential mineral to make tooth look more healthy. These minerals also contribute to the enamel of your teeth, helping their ability to resist discoloration caused by various foods. So, include dairy in your diet for a nice white smile.

If you aren't concerned about cost, seek out a professional who can give you whiter teeth in a jiffy! A dentist will use professional bleaching agents along with a special light that can whiten your teeth 15 shades brighter in a short time. For one treatment, this may cost around five hundred dollars.

Let your dentist help design the best teeth whitening routine for you. It's possible that a thorough and routine cleaning will provide the whiter teeth you are looking for. Even if this is not the case, you should mention to your dentist that you are considering over the counter whiteners. He will know what to look for and can ascertain whether this is a good option for you. Take care of any dental issues you many have before you begin a whitening procedure, including problems with gums or cavities.

Fruits and vegetable help teeth stay their whitest. Don't eat a lot of processed junk food, or fast food items. You'll also want to do less snacking. Eating better food improves your overall health, including your dental health. Your smile will be brighter and your risk of developing cavities will be lower.

For an instant way to make your teeth look whiter, try a change of lip color. Try opting for lip wear that is blue-based or use gloss. Any red or berry colored makeup that has a blue base will make your teeth look whiter. Try to avoid wearing any kind of matte lipsticks which can make your teeth appear very dingy.

Red wine often causes teeth discoloration. If someone is an avid wine drinker they will usually have discolored teeth. The enamel on your teeth absorbs the colors from the red wine therefore staining your teeth a darker color. Cutting back or stopping red wine intake is your only way to solve that problem.

Interestingly, brushing with strawberry juice can make your teeth look their whitest. The juice of a strawberry has a special acid that softens the teeth just enough to remove the built-up stains. This is a cheap way to get a brighter smile.

People have used salt for centuries to care for their teeth. Salt is a remedy that is natural and can help get rid of the stains on your teeth. Rinse your mouth well after brushing your teeth. Don't use the salt too often on your teeth because it has abrasive properties.

Toothpastes that promise to whiten teeth should be treated with suspicion. Some toothpastes will help slightly, but you shouldn't expect good results from them. Instead, look toward other whitening methods. If you still feel it would be beneficial to use a toothpaste that claims to have whitening properties, then at least look for those that utilize baking soda.

Try a mixture of lemon juice and salt to create a toothpaste that you can use just like any store brand. If you have teeth that are sensitive to salt, avoid this mixture.

Don't whiten your teeth if you have unfilled cavities or untreated gum disease. You could actually worsen these conditions. Always ask your dentist or a professional first before getting involved with whitening your teeth.

Don't use toothpaste that has fluoride in it. This is known to be a chemical ion and is sometimes found in soil, food and water. When people are exposed to a lot of it, they may have discolored teeth. Choose a toothpaste free of fluoride to naturally whiten your smile.

Many people would love to have whiter teeth. Many methods have proven to be effective, and choosing the right method depends mainly on the condition of your teeth. By listening to the tips above, you can have whiter teeth and a more sparkling smile for years to come.

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