Sunday 29 July 2012

Teeth Whitening Tips You Can't Afford To Miss

Eliminating stains from your teeth will boost your confidence. The information in this article will give you ways to find information, and tips to keep your teeth healthy and white.

To have a bright white smile, you may want to consider using a teeth whitening mouthwash. It can take months until results start appearing with this technique, but it will help. Whitening mouthwashes have hydrogen peroxide in them, which has been proven to whiten teeth. Rinse your mouth a couple of times every day, for instance before brushing.

Placing Vaseline over your teeth will help your teeth shine, and this tip is used by many contestants in beauty pageants. While the taste will not be entirely pleasant, the barrier created by the Vaseline will protect your teeth.

If you are expecting or breast feeding, do not bleach your teeth. Whitening products can be harsh on your gums, which are especially sensitive during gestation and while caring for a nursling. There are chemicals in teeth whitening products that can harm your baby. Steer clear of teeth whitening until you are done with this stage of motherhood.

While you are using a teeth whitening product, if you feel your teeth getting sensitive, stop the treatment immediately. This might be a sign that you are damaging your teeth, so at that time, it is best you go see a professional for advice on what to do. Decide on your best course of action in consultation with your dentist.

It is advisable to stay away from coffee and other dark beverages for several days after you have your teeth whitened. Your teeth will be particularly susceptible to discoloration during this time. Drinking coffee or tea, and even eating certain fruits can negate your teeth whitening treatment.

Say "no way" to coffee, wine, and tobacco. Chemicals in cigarettes, as well as in coffee and wine, can stain or discolor teeth. If you have to have these types of beverages, you need to brush your teeth after consuming these liquids. If carrying around a toothbrush is too much, some companies are now making little finger brushes that brush your teeth. The abrasive on them is what gets your teeth clean.

Try whitening your teeth using organic coconut oil. Ten minutes spent swishing it around your mouth will effectively whiten your teeth. After approximately 10 minutes, make sure to spit it out, then brush like normal. Positive results should begin appearing within days.

If you use a whitening gel that is applied with a tray, it is important to ensure that the tray is sized correctly for your teeth. Badly-fitted trays can spread the whitening chemicals to your gums where they can cause inflammation and irritation. Quit using the item if this happens to you, but also do some research to see if the size you used was the right one.

Fruits can sometimes also prove to be great teeth whiteners. Fruits like oranges and strawberries can give you whiter teeth. You can also mash strawberries to a pulp and rub your teeth with it. Allow the paste to sit on your teeth for about five minutes. You can also use an orange peel for whiter teeth by simply rubbing it on your teeth.

You should get your teeth cleaned regularly at the dentist as a means of maintaining your white teeth. Having regular cleanings is one of the best ways to to whiten your teeth. Having regular dental cleanings at least twice each year is important.

Dark food can cause staining and should be avoided where possible. Blueberries or raspberries are among the most staining fruits. Beverages, such as coffee, tea, and colas, can also stain your teeth. This is a good way to prevent the problem in the first place.

An electric toothbrush is an excellent investment if you are trying to whiten your teeth. These contraptions can remove the stains from your teeth. In addition, they can get rid of yellowness on your teeth, even if it's deeply embedded.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

If you drink an abundance of sugary drinks or smoke, or even just want very white teeth, these tips can help you get them the way you want them to be. Choose the tips that will make you smile.

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