Monday 23 July 2012

What You Should Know About Getting Whiter Teeth

Life is better when you are not afraid to smile. Having a positive attitude makes you more likable and more approachable. If you have a yellow smile you may not feel comfortable with smiling. The following article contains multiple tips on teeth whitening.

It is unsafe to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide. Not only will can it cause the discoloration to worsen, it may make your teeth two different colors as well. Avoid any product that has hydrogen peroxide in it.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables are very helpful when it comes to whitening teeth. The textures of these foods serve as a natural teeth whitener, and are also very beneficial foods to consume. Apples, celery, and carrots are great foods for having whiter teeth.

If you can't brush, at least rinse your mouth well immediately after eating. This simple step helps to remove food particles and stain-causing beverages from your teeth, which will help keep them whiter. This can prevent deeply set stains from taking hold on your teeth.

There are several all-natural products you can use for teeth whitening; apple cider vinegar is one of them. The vinegar cleans the teeth and can remove stains; all the while it is removing bacteria in the mouth. About once a week, swish some apple cider vinegar around in your mouth. Follow up by brushing your teeth as usual.

If drinking soda, tea, coffee or dark wine, sip water as well. These drinks can stain your teeth if you partake in drinking them often. The water may help rinse the stain causing liquids from your teeth before they can begin to stain them. You can also prevent discoloration by brushing after drinking.

Say "no way" to coffee, wine, and tobacco. Chemicals in cigarettes, as well as in coffee and wine, can stain or discolor teeth. If you have to have these types of beverages, you need to brush your teeth after consuming these liquids. If carrying around a toothbrush is too much, some companies are now making little finger brushes that brush your teeth. The abrasive on them is what gets your teeth clean.

If you experience an increase in sensitivity, discontinue using the whitening product immediately. You will not be able to judge whether or not the product is damaging your teeth, so you should ask your dentist. Talk with your dentist to decide which whitening method would be most suitable for you.

Make sure that you are whitening only natural teeth if you desire optimal results from your program. If you have any crowns, fillings, implants or veneers, they will not change in color. Keep this in mind or you end up with a not-so-white smile, as any teeth that have artificial elements can stand out from your natural teeth that the whitening worked on.

Strawberries are one food that can naturally whiten your teeth. You can whiten your teeth with strawberries the natural way. You can either mash them into a paste and brush it on then leave it for five minutes, or you can cut the strawberry in half and rub it on your teeth while you watch TV or read.

Ask your dental professional about what you should do to whiten your teeth before you buy anything. The person who can give you the best advice is a professional. You can learn a lot from a dentist, so don't hesitate to ask for advice since it's their job. You can gain insightful information on how to whiten your teeth as well as side effects from certain teeth whitening treatments.

You dentist can provide you with advice on what will and will not work in the teeth whitening world. Some kits will be more effective than others, and your dentist will be able to tell you which ones work best.

Brushing and flossing regularly can help you get white teeth. These simple things will remove the plaque that builds up on your teeth and discolors it. Make it a habit to brush and then floss after each meal.

While drinking you should use a straw. A number of beverages cause tooth discoloration when drunk, but if you utilize a straw when drinking, the majority of the liquid won't come in contact with your teeth. If you can minimize exposure to these beverages, you can enjoy a whiter smile.

If you drink an abundance of sugary drinks or smoke, or even just want very white teeth, these tips can help you get them the way you want them to be. Choose the tips that will make you smile.

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