Monday 16 July 2012

Advice That Works When You Want To Whiten Your Teeth

With more and more people concerned about physical appearance, teeth whitening is becoming a regular beauty ritual for some people. However, there are some precautions that need to be taken and things to consider before you decide which of the many options is the best for you. This article provides you with some useful advice.

Buy whitening gels to whiten the teeth. These types of products are sold over the counter at many stores at an affordable price compared to the cost of teeth whitening at the dentist's office. However, if you have teeth that are badly discolored, you might have to seek out a dentist to get them whitened.

Fruits can help to bring out the natural whiteness in your teeth. Strawberries have well-known whitening effects. Simply rub the fruit on your teeth, you can also smash them and make a paste to brush your teeth with. In addition, you can rub your teeth with the interior skin of an orange to achieve a whitening effect. Be sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards.

One simple tip for better teeth is to visit the dentist regularly and get your scheduled cleanings. Routinely schedule these cleanings twice every year. Schedule the next appointment when you are at the dentist's office, so you don't have to try to remember when your next cleaning should be. You should always ask the office to call and remind you.

If your teeth are deeply stained and you need your teeth white fast, the best bet is a professional whitening procedure from your dentist. A professional cleaning is more expensive but can provide excellent results that can be seen faster than many other treatments.

Try whitening gels to make your smile even brighter. You can purchase these at most drug stores or pharmacies, and they are much cheaper than visiting the dentist. Don't rely on whitening gels if you have severe problems with stains or discolorations on your teeth, however. Your dentist may have to help you if you're facing this situation.

Teeth whitening products are geared towards teeth that are yellow or brown not gray. You will have to do several treatments to turn teeth that are badly stained white again.

For whiter teeth, buy an electric toothbrush. These gadgets have the ability to clean the stains off of your teeth that are caused by foods, tobacco and dark colored beverages. They remove extrinsic stains that manual brushing can't.

After you have whitened your teeth, drink through a straw to keep your new smile. Colored drinks like grape juice and soda can stain your teeth. Using a straw to sip these beverages keeps the liquid from coming in contact with the teeth. That means your teeth will be healthier and whiter.

You may be able to find a natural tooth whitener in the backyard instead of buying expensive products at the store. You can use the bark of a walnut tree to help with the discoloration of teeth. Get bark from a tree, rinse it thoroughly and rub your teeth with it. This is an effective way to remove plaque and buff away stains.

Clean your teeth as thoroughly as possible before you use a teeth whitening kit. The cleaner your teeth are, the better results you'll have if you try to whiten them yourself. If you skip this step and whiten your teeth while they are dirty, you can wind up with a couple of different shades, so make sure you brush and floss before you whiten.

If you're pregnant, you should never use any type of teeth whitening products. Some of these teeth whitening products have ingredients that could harm the fetus. Some whitening toothpastes can be safe to use, but check with your physician before using any of these products.

For an effective way to get your teeth whiter at home, try baking soda and water. Baking soda is mildly abrasive, polishing off stains and leaving teeth whiter and extremely clean. Wet your toothbrush, then dip it in baking soda and immediately apply to your teeth, brushing like you normally would.

Don't whiten your teeth if you have unfilled cavities or untreated gum disease. You could actually worsen these conditions. Always ask your dentist or a professional first before getting involved with whitening your teeth.

Don't use toothpaste that has fluoride in it. This is known to be a chemical ion and is sometimes found in soil, food and water. When people are exposed to a lot of it, they may have discolored teeth. Choose a toothpaste free of fluoride to naturally whiten your smile.

As you have just read about in the above article, you shouldn't have a bad look, because your teeth are not the whitest they can be. By using the tips that were provided, you will get whiter teeth that will increase your confidence and help you smile more.

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